
I’m a student at TU Graz in Graz, Austria studying my Master’s Degree in Computer Science majoring in Information Security. I’m passionate about research and questioning the fundamental constructs of computers & systems.

I’m currently working as a Research Assistant in the CoreSec team led by Daniel Gruss at the IAIK, TU Graz.

This is my personal website: https://icecereal.github.io. It has a lot more information about me that I don’t want to copy-pasta over here so check that out. I made it and maintained it while I was doing my Undergrad - please don’t judge it too harshly.

An image of me in Vienna

Here's me in Vienna, Austria

About this website

This website is made using Hugo, an open-source static site generator; the theme is Hugo-Theme-Monochrome by Kaiiiz (with a few modifications that I added). This theme uses kingdido999/zooming for zooming into images, krisk/Fuse - a lightweight fuzzy-search in javascript, PrismJS/prism for syntax highlighting, feathericons/feather - simply beautiful open source icons, atomiks/tippyjs for tooltips.

The typeface this website uses is the IBM Plex Sans (SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 - Link). All the files are locally loaded thanks to google-webfonts-helper (Google Fonts). All the favicons were generated by favicon-generator.

This website used to be hosted on Github pages at sudneela.github.io. It is now hosted on my own server behind Cloudflare (Cloudflare’s Privacy Policy - you are an End User).

This website doesn’t use any cookies. It does, however, store your light/dark theme preference in the Local Storage of your browser (only if you change your preference).