April 15, 2020

I Made a Website That Hit a Million Views in 2 Weeks [IceCereal Re-Upload]

Tags:  #News, #Project

Original Post: https://icecereal.github.io/blog/i-made-a-website-that-hit-a-million-views-in-2-weeks/

I won’t write too much here because most of the juicy information can be found in the Original Post.

The TL;DR:

I made and maintained a website called CovIndia - one of India’s first district-wise covid trackers. Hitting a million views in two weeks, I go through the story of how it came to fruition, the technical workings, some mistakes & failures, who requested our data, news and media reception (this has a lot of photos and articles), a nation-wide hackathon in which we won tenth place, some statistics before concluding. I led and worked alongside a team of 22 (Professors and Students).

Two and a half months after creating the website, we shut it down due to the sheer amount of data that was required to be processed. The details of the shutting down can be found on a different blog post here: https://icecereal.github.io/blog/the-shutting-down-of-covindia/.